Washington Center

A Theater of Politics & The Politics of Theater

Term or Semester: 
Day and Time: 
Thursdays, 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Semester Dates: 
August 29 - December 5, 2019
Semester Elective

Since 2006, this course has canvassed the Washington DC theater scene and discovered a wealth of offerings, many of them—not surprisingly—political in focus.  Which prompts the question: What should the role of an arts community be in an essentially political town? To provide escape?  Emotional engagement? A dissident voice?  What might the impact (or challenge) of presenting politically-relevant work be in DC? What's the definition and the history of ""political theater"" and what distinguishes it from other entertainments (if anything)?  We'll figure that out.  What stories are being told now that reflect how we view the past, understand the present, and envision the future?  We’ll have a chance to think about the role of theater as it holds up a mirror to our society, as our focus moves from examinations inward and inter-personal, toward portraits which are more broadly regional and international in scope.

Important Note:

There is a $250 fee associated with the course which covers the cost of theater tickets for the semester.  This fee is covered by each program, with the exception of Mt. Holyoke.  Mt. Holyoke students are expected to pay the fee on their own.

Draft Syllabus

Course ID: