Washington Center

Washington Focus

Day and Time: 
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Quarter Dates: 
March 29 to June 7, 2018
Core Seminar

Our nation’s capital is a center of governance and politics but also of historical sites, research institutes, arts and cultural institutions, and diverse communities. In this seminar you will become acquainted with Washington DC – its beauty and problems, its inspirations and dissentions. Each week, our class will explore one aspect of the city. Working sometimes in teams, as individuals, or as a class, we will both learn about and visit: various neighborhoods, the city’s history (National Building Museum), memorials on the National Mall, research centers, selected museum exhibits, public buildings such as the Capitol, selected art exhibits, and more. Some of these assignments may connect directly to your internships. Appropriate readings will be assigned to prepare you for your visits, and you will also be required to keep abreast of “news of the day” in Washington. During the term you will write short weekly papers connecting various reading assignments with your site visits and complete a journal of your explorations of the city.

This course is only approved for: UCI, UCR, UCSB, UCD and UCSC.

There is no waitlist for this class, so if you would like to enroll and the class is full, please email Professor Sandalow (msandalow@ucdc.edu).

Draft Syllabus

Course ID: 