Washington Center

UCDC Summer Academic Program - FAQs

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Summer 2023 - Academic internships

Student FAQs 



What are the dates for internships at UCDC? 


Students are expected to intern for ten weeks, from June 21st to August 25th, 2023There will be a mandatory orientation for all UCDC participants on June 20th. Summer academic participants will also meet with the Academic Internship Team (AIT) on June 20th in a separate session to go over requirements and expectations.  


How many hours per week are students expected to spend on projects?


Students will contribute a minimum of 24-32 hours of work per week on projects with their internship hosts.  Students enrolling in the four (4 unit) option must intern a minimum of 24 hours per week, while students who enroll in a total of eight (8) units must intern for 32 hours per week.  More hours are permitted based on need and mutual agreement with the internship site.  The schedule will be drawn between the student and supervisor based on projects, need and activities conducted by the organization.


Will internships be compensated?  


Some positions may include compensation, though many are unpaid.  We encourage you to inquire about pay when you apply and interview with each organization. We recognize that compensation may be critical in your ability to afford the internship experience, anwe encourage internship sites to offer compensation when possible. There are no restrictions on UCDC students receiving compensation and academic credit.  


If I enroll in an internship course through UCDC/ UCLA Summer Sessions, what fees will I be expected to pay?    


Course fees for the summer academic internship course are listed on our Course Fees & Enrollment page Students enrolling in the Internship course through UCLA Summer Sessions are responsible for paying fees through their MyUCLA account directly once enrolled.  UCDC housing fees will be charged separately through the student's home campus.  


If I enroll in an internship course through UCDC/ UCLA Summer Sessions, will I be eligible for financial aid?


Yes. We encourage you to be proactive and seek information about your financial aid package and communicate with financial aid staff on your campus. Your UCDC Campus Coordinator may also be able to help connect you with the appropriate staff members. 


Where can I find a list of organizations that are offering internships?


When students register and enroll in the Internship Course offered through UCDC/ UCLA Summer Sessions, they will be contacted by our Academic Internship Team (AIT).  Students will be assigned to work with a member of the Academic Internship Team (AIT) based on their campus affiliation.  They will be provided with search assistance and resources including access to our internship database to explore options.    


How do I apply to internships?   


Once students enroll and are contacted by AIT, they will gain access to the UCDC database.  Students will be encouraged to upload their materials for review by their assigned Program Administrator (PA), who will provide advice and resources.  Once students do this, we will ask them to follow the prompts in the database under each employer’s internship postings.   


We also recommend that students stay in close contact with their PA so they can help you communicate with organizations.  Typically, an application includes:  

  • Resume
  • Cover letter detailing the student's interests in the organization, their participation in the UCDC program, and availability (dates and weekly hours). 
  • Optional: unofficial transcript  
  • Optional: letter of recommendation 

Your PA will counsel students on the steps to take as they prepare for interviews and negotiate offers.  We encourage students to reach out to us at internship@ucdc.edu with questions.  

How many academic units will I receive if I participate in UCDC’s Academic Internship Program during summer 2023?   


Most students who enroll in UCDC’s internship course receive four (4) credits.  To receive a passing grade, students must complete 24 hours per week for ten (10) weeks and receive a satisfactory evaluation by their internship supervisor at the end of the term.  There is an option to earn up to eight (8) units for students who intern 32 hours per week and complete additional written assignments   



Internship modalities vary widely.  Will an  internship (if hybrid or remote) increase my chance of securing other internships or employment in DC or elsewhere? 


In these times, students have the ability to connect with employers in a hybrid, remote, or in-person professional setting. Thousands of organizations in the DC area have employees working from home and incorporated hybrid/ remote modalities as part of their operations.  Your creativity, collaboration, empathydesire to learn, and your flexibility are qualities that future employers will valueThe connections you make and the experiences you will be able to share will make you a stronger candidate for future opportunities. 



What kind of work will I do if my internship is offered in a hybrid or remote modality?


We expect hybrid or remote assignments to be like those given out in person. Projects vary from one organization to another and could include research, analysis, graphic design, social media managment, and more. Employers are encouraged to assign projects that relate to both the overall goal of the organization and short-term projects helping with the day-to-day work of the office.    



Can I participate in an internship hosted by an organization that is not located in Washington, DC?  


PossiblyWe are being flexible with requirements, however proper review and vetting must take place before accepting an offer from an outside organization.  Students are encouraged to contact their Program Administrator (PA) to discuss further.  


If I withdraw from the summer program, can I defer to a different term in 2023-2024?  


Possibly. Students are asked to contact their campus UCDC office to inquire about availability in future terms If assistance is needed in connecting with the proper staff, let us know.  


Will UCDC offer opportunities to network with alumni or meet fellow summer students 


We are looking at the possibility of engaging alumni in mentoring activities online or in-person through webinars, one-on-one communications, or panel discussions. We are also exploring ways to connect members of the summer cohort.  We will share details with participants as plans progress.  


Course-related Questions

How do I register for summer courses?

UCLA students should proceed directly to MyUCLA for enrollment. All other students must begin by registering online

What are SRS numbers?

Students can enroll in a course by manually entering the unique SRS course number assigned for each course. 

Students must manually enter the appropriate SRS number because courses are not taking place on the UCLA campus and do not appear in the UCLA Summer Schedule of Classes.

Will course units transfer back to my home UC campus?

The internship course offered by UCDC during summer is sponsored by UCLA Summer Sessions.  At the end of the term, students will be able to order transcripts online through their MyUCLA account. Information available here.

Where can I obtain course information?

Course and instructor information. Please contact UCDCsummersession@ucdc.edu with questions. 

What are the requirements of the internship course?

Students enrolled in the internship course PSM195DC can earn 4 or 8 units of P/NP credit (please check with your home campus and department advisors to see if you are eligible to earn credit for this course). Participating students will be required to sign an Internship Contract listing their internship site information, employer contact, tasks and responsibilities as well as agree to abide by all course requirements. Course information.

How do I drop my classes?

Students can drop their Internship Course through MyUCLA anytime until June 30, 2023 for a full refund of unit fees. UC students will be charged a $150 processing fee if all courses are dropped regardless of whether the classes have begun; this processing fee will not be charged if enrolled in at least one class. For non-UC students, the entirety of the $350 registration fee is non-refundable, if all courses are dropped. For more information, go to UCLA Summer Sessions refund policy.


Fees, Course Enrollments, and Financial Aid

I am a recipient of Cal-Vet benefits. How do I enroll?

Students can complete the registration process as described on the Course Fees & Enrollment page, and notify us at UCDCsummersession@ucdc.edu

What happens if my financial aid disbursement is delayed?

It is your responsibility to pay for all summer session fees as stipulated in the registration process and on the UCLA Summer Sessions Website.  We recommend that you speak with your campus financial aid office and UCDC campus coordinator about your aid package and the timing of your disbursement. Please remember that participants will be billed separately for UCDC housing fees by their home campus.  

Links to Campus Financial Aid Offices
When will I receive my transcript?  How will my grade be transferred?   

Ordering a transcript can be done online through MyUCLA.